- 8 November 2021
Resplendent Ceylon Declares a Climate Emergency
Sri Lanka is one of the most at-risk nations in terms of climate change. Our coastlines are at risk of inundation, our forests are at risk of climate-induced die-back, our endemic species are nearing extinction while global business continues as usual.
Sri Lanka is one of the most at-risk nations in terms of climate change. Our coastlines are at risk of inundation, our forests are at risk of climate-induced die-back, our endemic species are nearing extinction while global business continues as usual.
Operating from some of the most biodiverse rich regions of Sri Lanka, Resplendent Ceylon, is privileged to be guardians of these ecosystems. However, the impacts of climate change are more prominent than ever and unless we call it what it is, it could be too late to halt the impacts of such a crisis. This urgent need for action and change has led us to ally with the global tourism industry to Declare a Climate Emergency
We are committed to continuing our work towards transitioning into a low-carbon tourism industry for both our planet and its people. We join other signatories of Tourism Declares to:
- Deliver a climate action plan within 01 year of signing to achieve Net Zero by 2030 or before, aligned with science-based targets.
- Report publicly both progress against interim and long-term targets, as well as the actions being taken, at least annually in a transparent manner.
- Align our plan with five shared pathways (measure, decarbonise, regenerate, collaborate, finance) to ensure climate action is consistent across all of tourism.
- Share information on activities connected to Tourism Declares and the Glasgow Declaration among contacts and networks.
- Work in a collaborative and constructive spirit with other members of Tourism Declares and signatories of the Glasgow Declaration.
We call on our peers in the industry to join us to take meaningful action to change the narrative by Declaring a Climate Emergency.

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