- 5 May 2020
Sri Lankans Rally around Message of Resilience
What started off as just a simple message created by Resplendent Ceylon, Sri Lanka’s leading collection of luxury resorts, has evolved into a national message with Sri Lankans from across the spectrum coming forward to share it.
What started off as just a simple message created by Resplendent Ceylon, Sri Lanka’s leading collection of luxury resorts, has evolved into a national message with Sri Lankans from across the spectrum coming forward to share it.
As a country that has seen its fair share of challenges, Sri Lankans have grown accustomed to bouncing back from adverse situations. The concept behind the video was to remind Sri Lankans that we have been through challenging situations before, and each time, we have emerged stronger. While as a country and as a part of the global community, Sri Lanka will have to adapt, Resplendent Ceylon see this as an opportunity to redefine how we take care of our planet.
Resplendent Ceylon worked together with Ifilm Sri Lanka to put together this video during lockdown, to inspire people and shift focus away from doom and gloom content.
The video focused on the idea that “Tomorrow is almost here” and showed a series of clips that had been shot previously by Ifilm SriLanka and Resplendent Ceylon.
Many individuals, hotels, travel agencies and other corporates got behind this message quickly, not just in Sri Lanka, but overseas as well. This was our way of telling the world that we will get through this together, as a global community.
The video was initially published by Resplendent Ceylon and has a cumulative 100,000 views across different online channels.
More information can be accessed at the following links
Resplendent Ceylon: www.resplendentceylon.com
Ifilm Sri Lanka: www.ifilmsrilanka.com
Sri Lanka Travel: www.srilanka.travel

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